Rejuvenate yourself through Meditation

Rejuvenate yourself with meditation
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It’s one of those things where the journey is more important than the destination

In our busy schedules, we often ignore looking after ourselves. We should always find ways to relax our bodies and mind. Many people who meditate regularly agree that meditation reduces stress, anxiety and cultivates peace of mind. There are numerous benefits of meditation on mental. emotional and physical health.

How to practice meditation

1. Choose a distraction-free quiet spot – Turn off all distractions like your phone and television and choose a calm place.

2. Set a time limit – If you are a beginner you can start with short sessions of about 5-10 minutes in length.

3. Pay attention to your body and get comfortable – You can sit cross-legged on the floor or in a chair as long as you feel that you can sit comfortably for several minutes at a time.

4. Focus on breathing – Try taking deep breaths that expand your belly and then slowly exhale. Pay attention to how each breath feels.

5. Notice your thoughts –  The purpose of meditation is not to clear your mind. Instead, focus on gently bringing your attention back to your breath.


Keep your brain stress-free –  Meditation produces a state of relaxation. There are a bundle of thoughts that keep running your mind the entire day but when you practice meditation you focus your attention which in turn reduces stress

Lowers blood pressure – When you chant “Om()” daily for 15 mins you relax which in turn opens up blood vessels and lowers the blood pressure

Improves Immunity – When you follow meditation practices daily you relax and you give positive energy to your whole body which in turn improves immunity

Decreases depression – Meditation may not make all the symptoms of depression disappear but will help you manage them. It works by changing how your brain reacts to stress and anxiety. When you meditate, you can override your negative  and start generating positive thoughts and your stress level falls

Increases positivity – By opening your heart and mind, meditation provides lasting feelings of peace and serenity while creating tremendously positive changes in your life

Improves metabolism – Meditation is the perfect workout for the brain. It trains you to stay in the present with your body instead of reliving or projecting diet failures, cravings, negative self-talk, and other things that sabotage your efforts.

Makes you feel happier – The main purpose of meditation is to access, recognize and enhance the positive qualities of the mind. The more we can do this, the less we need to rely on external situations for our happiness and the more we can rely on the natural, positive qualities of mind: love, contentment, well-being, and peace

Helps to have a good sleep – Meditation may help you sleep better. As a relaxation technique, it can quiet the mind and body while enhancing inner peace. When done before bedtime, meditation may help reduce insomnia and sleep troubles by promoting overall calmness

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